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I was raised in Kalispell, Montana in a family that valued photography. My dad is a photographer and my mom also worked in the industry so at a very young age, I was taught how to load and shoot a camera. At the time, I knew how to shoot but I didn’t fully comprehend why I would be taking a photo. It wasn’t until around 11 or 12 years old when I was flipping through one of my father’s nude photo books (basically to look at naked girls) until I stopped on this Edward Weston image of Charis Wilson titled, “Nude in the Doorway”. I instantly felt like I was there. I felt like I was him shooting her, feeling the sun warming me on a beautiful day. I was struck on how one image could be a journal entry; a way to express intimate feelings that you can’t put into words. From that moment on, I was finding different ways to visually communicate my thoughts and feelings for my own personal journal.

My dad took this picture of me as kid taking a picture of a family friend (Gregor Tavenner) while he was filming (Cynthia Antonio). Flathead River Montana 1996
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